Ask the Angels for help and it always arrives. I was sitting here pondering what to write about today when a dear friend sent me an email informing me that she had received an email from me at 11:11 on the 29th which also translates to 2+9=11. Not only did she receive my email but at that exact time, 11:11 received a total of 4 emails. She realised the importance of what had just happened so she went and looked up my past blog on the number pattern 11:11 for some guidance.
Here we have an example of a Angel number sign ‘Amplification’. The importance here is amplified x4. Numbers with 4 in them are always specifically about Angels.
From Doreen Virtues numbers book:- number 4
“Angels are with you. Call upon them for help, guidance & feelings of love & security”.
So not only does she need to understand the relevance of the number sequence 11:11 a call to her as a light worker but they are really wanting her to know that they are ready & available to help with her life purpose. So amplified signs are VIP; a must pay attention type of sign.
Just think about how many minor miracles were performed for this one sign to be delivered to her!!!
Looks like there is alot of candles about to be made Kirst xxxx
As you know every number has a meaning and the most wonderful tool that Doreen Virtue has gifted us is her numbers book; I highly recommend it.
Buy online in AOK Shop
PS The Angels can amplify any sign they deliver not only numbers.
So keep your eyes peeled!!