
Angel Feather Oracle Card Deck    I am getting ready for a busy and exciting November with two MBS Festivals, Sydney & Melbourne.  The Angels work in mysterious ways!!  Initially there was no room at the inn so to speak; next thing you know I have been blessed with a workshop in Sydney on Thursday 4th of November from 12.00- 1.00 pm Seminar B.   Thankyou Angels.  I am so looking forward to spending an hour with the beautiful Sydney folk to talk about Angel signs and to give you some tips on how to interpret the signs you are receiving.  Tell a friend : AOK Angels

Everyone who attends the workshop will receive a card to keep from the Angel Feather Oracle Card Deck.

This is the first time that I will be exhibiting in Sydney and I am so looking forward to it.   I will have a change in my team bringing along my gorgeous sister Sharon and my husband Bert.  Marg will rest up for Melbourne and be ready to meet all our old customers there with me on November 19th.  Come and say hello to us at the AOK Angels Stand E81 easy to find right across from my dear friend Michael of Brumby Books just head towards the music.  Angelic I’m sure Michael !!!

I will have the most beautiful array of Angel products including Angel Gifts, Angel Jewelery, Books, Angel Greeting Cards, Christmas Cards, Crystal Angel Cards plus lovely range of Crystal Tumble Stones and Crystal Jewelery at very reasonable prices just in time for Christmas.

I will also be personally signing all copies of my ‘Angel Feather Oracle’ plus I will be releasing my new book ‘The Angel Feather Oracle Companion Book’.  I have a wonderful special for both of these items; usually they both retail for $29.95 each.   MBS Sydney & Melbourne Special $25.00 each.

                 Companion- Book-AFOCB  Buy now 

Please don’t forget to tell all your friends about my seminar (Thursday 4th November 12.00 – 1.00 pm, Seminar B:- Angel signs & synchronicities; how to interpret them.) and the half price ticket offer from AOK Angels. Tell a friend : AOK Angels

Hope to see you all in November at the Sydney MBS Sydney Exhibition Centre Darling Harbour Thursday 4th November – Sunday 7th November from 10am – 7pm each dayStand E81.

Angel Blessings Always
