WelcomeIts been quite a week to say the least.
I have welcomed new students to the AOK Academy and I am so excited to have them as new members of my inner circle.It’s Angel Time
I received a great question from Karen one of the new members this week.
She said Michelle “Is it was possible to ask the Angels to slow, alter or stop time as we know it?”
Well the answer to that question is YES!
Mind you it does take some practice and mastery.
Its quite an apt question to ponder as the first VIP launch of the AFO Practitioner Course draws to a close.
VIP Bonuses Gone at 2400hrs 9th May: BE QUICK!
The launch clock is ticking down and unless you have mastered the skill of altering time you will miss out on the awesome VIP Bonuses if you don’t ACT NOW! Take the golden Angel Key and join me for the fabulous training. Knowledge can be the key that changes your life: imagine a qualification recognised by a professional body the IICT, and this course gives you not one but two modalities.
The full training is 100% available the second you sign up, delivered on IT Angels Wings.
Regular Bonuses
The Angel Feather Oracle Downloadable Workbook Instant Access to course content: Downloadable Slides & Extra PDF content relating to course Membership to closed AFO Practitioner Face book Page Gain membership with the IICT (International Institute of Complimentary Therapies) AFO Practitioner Certificate for framing
VIP Bonuses (these will fly away at midnight 9th May Australian time) The Angel Feather Oracle Workbook Print Version Set of AOK Chakra Cards 30 minute Skype Call with Michelle Angel Staircase CD 1
I can’t wait for you to join my Angelic Inner Circle and to assist you to become a professional profitable AFO Practitioner, together we can make a difference in the world by giving people pearls of wisdom and hope.
Angel Blessings Always PS: Gain an esteemed qualification in Angel Card Reading & Colour Therapy TODAY CLICK HERE
PSS Just in case you missed my Free Three Part Video Series the links are below: