Supermoon July 12th

The planets and moon cycles are not my specialty but I do have a great interest in all these aspects and how they affect our lives.  It is well known in nursing circles that night shifts associated with full moons were generally fairly interesting with confused patients and unexpected dramas.  The Super moon this weekend falls on Saturday night 12th of July.  From my research this super moon is often referred to as the Full Buck or Thunder Moon.  It governs the instincts and our intuition.  The energy of this moon is a call for us to balance our commitments to career and family.  If you have felt something building within you then this weekend is the time to express it and let it out.  The super moon illuminates change for us. It is the perfect time to release our worries and also to put our desires out to the universe via prayer or visualisation.  It is also the perfect time to cleanse your beautiful crystals.

Wishing you a beautiful weekend with many butterfly blessings.




The planets and moon cycles are not my specialty but I do have a great interest in all these aspects and how they affect our lives.  It is well known in nursing circles that night shifts associated with full moons were generally fairly interesting with confused patients and unexpected dramas.  The Super moon this weekend falls on Saturday night 12th of July.  From my research this super moon is often referred to as the Full Buck or Thunder Moon.  It governs the instincts and our intuition.  The energy of this moon is a call for us to balance our commitments to career and family.  If you have felt something building within you then this weekend is the time to express it and let it out.  The super moon illuminates change for us. It is the perfect time to release our worries and also to put our desires out to the universe via prayer or visualisation.  It is also the perfect time to cleanse your beautiful crystals.

Wishing you a beautiful weekend with many butterfly blessings.

