Workshop by Michelle Newton of AOK Angels Sydney Mind Body Sprirt Festival 4th November 12.00-1.00pm & Book launch The Angel Feather Oracle Companion Book

Angel Feather Oracle Card Deck    I am getting ready for a busy and exciting November with two MBS Festivals, Sydney & Melbourne.  The Angels work in mysterious ways!!  Initially there was…

Continue ReadingWorkshop by Michelle Newton of AOK Angels Sydney Mind Body Sprirt Festival 4th November 12.00-1.00pm & Book launch The Angel Feather Oracle Companion Book


This morning has been rather exciting as I have just had my new book ‘The Angel Feather Oracle Companion Book’ delivered.  An early and unexpected start to the day as it showed up an hour earlier than expected!  Not to worry the nice man didn’t seem to mind being greeted with me looking very scary and still in PJ’s!!!!  So I have started with an early present; today is actually my birthday!!

With this in mind I was thinking this morning about being a Libran and being born under the symbol of the scales.  The Angel associated with the Libran star sign is Archangel Chamuel; the Angel of Unconditional Love, how lovely for me.  Chamuel assists one with creative projects and to find special inspiration from the depths of your heart.  I am sure he has been surrounding me whilst producing the new book which I have designed to look like an old text that has just floated down from heaven.
For your information I have a list of Angels associated with the star signs below:-
Aries:- Archangel Sammael
Taurus:- Archangel Anael
Gemini:- Archangel Raphael
Cancer:- Archangel Gabriel
Leo:- Archangel Michael
Virgo:- Archangel Jophiel
Libra:- Archangel Chamuel
Scorpio:- Archangel Azrael
Sagittarius:- Archangel Uriel
Capricorn:- Archangel Cassiel
Aquarius:- Archangel Zadkiel
Pisces:- Archangel Asariel

Let me leave you with some heavenly advice on this my birthday “eat cake and enjoy it!!!”

Angel Blessings Always
