Happy Valentines Day
So you may ask how do apples relate to love? Great question!
As you know with Angel Altar work the use of symbology along with your intent is all powerful. The apple is a very old symbol of love and relates back to the Greek God Dionysus who offered apples to win the Goddess Aprodite’s love. The apple is not only a ancient symbol of love but also a symbol of ecstasy, fertility and abundance. Terefore with
Angel Altar work you could use an apple, a picture of an apple or a representation of an apple as your representation of deep affectionate love on your
romance or marriage altar.
VIP Addit: To win someone’s heart today though its not going to cut it to give someone a bag of apples!! (Laughing as I write that line!)
It’s 2015: You may like to stick to the red roses instead of red apples guys!
I really truely do. Please know that today. I love having you here at AOK Angels, I love sharing my love of Angels with you, I really truely mean that.
I just read on my son’s facebook page: “Valentines day has never mean’t anything to me!” and then I read the first comment from one of his friends “your not on your own mate, me either!“.
Here is two young men who don’t have a significant other who can be their witness in life, they yearn for that connection but it hasn’t arrived yet. So as a mother does that make me sad? Well yes it does but I know in my heart that you only need the right person to arrive in your life and chose to stay, then destiny and the romance Angels play their part in assoication with Divine timing and Sacred contracts. My son is adored by all his family but the media and commercial association of Valentines day is to have someone you love to share it with.
At my age I know that the key is to love yourself first so that you can then welcome in your perfect mate. So today if you don’t have a significant other know that its AOK. You are loved by many, God and your Angels love you, I love you, you are pure love.
The heart of the matter is today do something for yourself to remind you of this!
Some of us also will have siginificant others who find it difficult to show love so instead of waiting for something that is probably not going to happen, remind yourself how loved you are. I am off to pick myself a red rose as soon as I finish this newsletter and in doing so I take out any unrealistic expectations of what should be or how I should be loved by giving love to myself. Really when all is said and done every day should be Valentines Day & Christmas Day all rolled into one.
So here’s the bottom line, if Bertie does happen to remember which he won’t because he doesn’t believe in Valentines day: I can say too late I have already been given a red rose! LOL
Yes the colours of deep red and the rose are also symbols of passionate love. So guys if you do want to win a heart today stick to read roses any other colour today will send the wrong message to a women.
My Gift of Love to you Today:
Due to my schedule I have been guided to increase the investment of my one on one Angel Readings. So if you would like to give yourself a LOVELY Gift or give your LOVED ONE a LOVELY gift or if you have questions about LOVE or any other issue today I am offering a special $50.00 discount on an Angelic Mediumship Skype Reading for the first x10 people who book!!
BOOK your reading HERE: https://aokangelsofkindness.com/shop/angelic-mediumship-reading-with-michelle-newton-the-aussie-angel-lady/angel-reading-with-michelle-newton-2/
Grab this great discount now! You can chose a skype reading or you can chose to book and pay and then come down to Shepparton later in the year and have your reading at the AOK Angels Wellbeing Centre in person with me: BOOK HERE: https://aokangelsofkindness.com/shop/angelic-mediumship-reading-with-michelle-newton-the-aussie-angel-lady/angel-reading-with-michelle-newton-2/
ONLY 6 Days left!!!
Where has the time gone: its only 6 days till my Angelic Mediumship event at the Veneto Club in Bulleen Melbourne: it is going to be a fun and loving night talking with the Angels!
Come along, bring a friend or buy a loved one a ticket this Valentines day.
BOOK your ticket HERE: https://aokangelsofkindness.com/product-category/an-evening-of-angelic-mediumship-with-michelle-newton/
In Closing
Coming soon the AOK Angels Academy: Online Angel Academy access worldwide!
Become an AOK Practitioner: Level One: Certified Angel Feather Oracle Reader/Practitioner.
Also Beginners courses available soon! Stay tuned: don’t miss one newsletter!
Angel Blessings of love
PS: $50 off an Angel Reading with The Aussie Angel Lady: First x10 people: BOOK HERE: