Angel Sign:- The written word

The Angels will often deliver a message to you through different mediums that use the written word.  A message can be found in a book, magazine,or greeting card.  On a road sign post, in advertising on a bill board, in a shop front, on the side of a truck or bus or in a car number plate.  A hand written letter may hold a message or you may find it on the internet; in an email or a text message on your phone.    Personally I just love words; writing and reading beautiful verses is something that I have always enjoyed. However; I am not an avid reader of novels which may surprise you. My reading is usually centered around the quest for knowledge and subsequently generally delivers me to the areas of medicine or metaphysics and the balance of these subjects relating to the mind, body,spirit connection.
The Angels have prompted me to write this small piece tonight after I received a lovely verse via email tonight from a friend.  Those of you who read this verse have been directed here via the Angels.  They remind me that beautiful things should be shared; especially beautiful words.  May these words bring you the comfort you need when you read it; and know that these words and this message has been delivered to you from the Angels.

             To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did.
When God takes something from your grasp, he is not punishing you;
but merely opening your hands to receive something better.
The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.
(Author Unknown)

If anyone does happen to know who the author of this piece is please drop me a line.  
Thankyou Aunty Jule for the delivery of these beautiful words; I am grateful!

Just to let you know that I will be exhibiting at a newage expo in Geelong on the weekend of the 31st November / 1st December.  153 Pakington Street Geelong West in the Town Hall.  It would be lovely to see you all there. I am hoping to be speaking on both days; about Angel Signs & Synchronicities.   If I find out times I will let you all know through Angelic Answers.  Till next time take care and be observant!!  Angel Blessings



The Angels will often deliver a message to you through different mediums that use the written word.  A message can be found in a book, magazine,or greeting card.  On a road sign post, in advertising on a bill board, in a shop front, on the side of a truck or bus or in a car number plate.  A hand written letter may hold a message or you may find it on the internet; in an email or a text message on your phone.    Personally I just love words; writing and reading beautiful verses is something that I have always enjoyed. However; I am not an avid reader of novels which may surprise you. My reading is usually centered around the quest for knowledge and subsequently generally delivers me to the areas of medicine or metaphysics and the balance of these subjects relating to the mind, body,spirit connection.
The Angels have prompted me to write this small piece tonight after I received a lovely verse via email tonight from a friend.  Those of you who read this verse have been directed here via the Angels.  They remind me that beautiful things should be shared; especially beautiful words.  May these words bring you the comfort you need when you read it; and know that these words and this message has been delivered to you from the Angels.

             To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did.
When God takes something from your grasp, he is not punishing you;
but merely opening your hands to receive something better.
The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.
(Author Unknown)

If anyone does happen to know who the author of this piece is please drop me a line.  
Thankyou Aunty Jule for the delivery of these beautiful words; I am grateful!

Just to let you know that I will be exhibiting at a newage expo in Geelong on the weekend of the 31st November / 1st December.  153 Pakington Street Geelong West in the Town Hall.  It would be lovely to see you all there. I am hoping to be speaking on both days; about Angel Signs & Synchronicities.   If I find out times I will let you all know through Angelic Answers.  Till next time take care and be observant!!  Angel Blessings
