Angel Sign:- Numbers

One of the easiest ways the Angels find to communicate with us is through the use of numbers.  There are many spiritual connotations to numbers and each number has numerological significance.  The Angels communicate with us through numbers throughout our day by using devices such as clocks, videos, watches, & computers.  Messages are also delivered on car number plates, signs, house numbers, street signs, within books, magazines and on billboards. The main thing to take into consideration as with any Angel Sign is a message that is repeated, especially two or three times.  Once you start to see a significant pattern of a repeated number message then it is important to find the significance of the message for yourself.  The Angel message is amplified if the number sequence you are observing is shown in multiples for example 111, 222 or 333.  As I have spoken about previously the number pattern 11:11 is significant for Lightworkers and means that there is an energetic gateway that you are about to experience; so therefore I advise when you see this often to “Make a Wish”.  The following list is some general meanings of Angel Numbers that you can receive.

1. Watch your thoughts.                  111 Energetic Gateway especially for

2. Faith & Courage.                         222 Everything will be alright.

3. Ascended Masters.                      333 Ascended Masters around you.

4. Angels.                                        444 Thousand of Angels around you.

5. Change & Transformation.            555 Major changes & opportunities.

6. Earthly Materials & Possessions.   666 Ask for help from above.

7. God; Right Path.                          777 Congratulations you have listened
to Divine Guidance & put it into action.

8. Abundance & Money.                   888 Great prosperity is coming to you.

9. Life Purpose.                               999 Get to work Lightworker.

I hope this is of some assistance in interpreting the Angel numbers you receive.  I recommend Doreen Virtues Angel numbers book; its a great resource to have. An easy to use little book which I personally use everyday.

angel-book-DVAN101-sm   Buy Now From the AOK Online Shop.

Till next time enjoy the Angel number signs that are delivered to you; be observant!!
Angel Blessings


One of the easiest ways the Angels find to communicate with us is through the use of numbers.  There are many spiritual connotations to numbers and each number has numerological significance.  The Angels communicate with us through numbers throughout our day by using devices such as clocks, videos, watches, & computers.  Messages are also delivered on car number plates, signs, house numbers, street signs, within books, magazines and on billboards. The main thing to take into consideration as with any Angel Sign is a message that is repeated, especially two or three times.  Once you start to see a significant pattern of a repeated number message then it is important to find the significance of the message for yourself.  The Angel message is amplified if the number sequence you are observing is shown in multiples for example 111, 222 or 333.  As I have spoken about previously the number pattern 11:11 is significant for Lightworkers and means that there is an energetic gateway that you are about to experience; so therefore I advise when you see this often to “Make a Wish”.  The following list is some general meanings of Angel Numbers that you can receive.

1. Watch your thoughts.                  111 Energetic Gateway especially for

2. Faith & Courage.                         222 Everything will be alright.

3. Ascended Masters.                      333 Ascended Masters around you.

4. Angels.                                        444 Thousand of Angels around you.

5. Change & Transformation.            555 Major changes & opportunities.

6. Earthly Materials & Possessions.   666 Ask for help from above.

7. God; Right Path.                          777 Congratulations you have listened
to Divine Guidance & put it into action.

8. Abundance & Money.                   888 Great prosperity is coming to you.

9. Life Purpose.                               999 Get to work Lightworker.

I hope this is of some assistance in interpreting the Angel numbers you receive.  I recommend Doreen Virtues Angel numbers book; its a great resource to have. An easy to use little book which I personally use everyday.

angel-book-DVAN101-sm   Buy Now From the AOK Online Shop.

Till next time enjoy the Angel number signs that are delivered to you; be observant!!
Angel Blessings