Angel Numbers 11:11

The Angels love to communicate with us by sending us number sequences. Over the past few years many of you may have been seeing the repeated number pattern of 11:11on digital clocks, car number plates etc. I believe that this is a relatively new but important number pattern the Angels have been sending. It coincides with important energy shifts that have been occurring in the world and is being sent from the Angels to lightworkers on the earth plane during times of heightened awareness.
An example of this number pattern involved my youngest sister & the purchase of her new house:-  My sister recently bought her first house and was so excited, however in the same breath quite nervous, as we all are when we make such big decisions.  She sent me an email :- My new House!!!! with an internet address to go onto to have a look.  I was unable to get the address to work and was a little disappointed, however it was then that I noticed the time that she had sent the email to me.  It was 11:1154. The angels were in fact communicating through me to give her an important message.  My reply went as follows:- I see you sent the email at 11:11; this is awesome as it means that an energetic gateway is opening for you.  As the email is about your house this is great as it relates to the move.  11 is a master number and represents new beginnings, balance & strength.  11:11 is a sign from the Angels to keep positive at all times in all things related to the house and then all will go smoothly.  Just looked up the meaning of the 54 which was at the end of the 11:11 time.  54 means “The Angels assure you that the change you’re contemplating or experiencing is for the best.  They’re with you now & continue to support you during this time of transition.  Call upon them frequently.”  Unreal!!!  I don’t need to see the picture of your house because I know it is meant to be.  Her reply was WOW!!!  As you can see the Angels are constantly trying to reassure us.  This is called a synchronicity: a small miracle.  Just imagine what was involved to get the message to my sister who would have on a subconscious level been asking:-Am i doing the right thing?
The appearance of 11:11 is a powerful confirmation to lightworkers (reflective, thoughtful & intuitive souls) that you are on the right track, one that is aligned with your highest truth.  Give thanks when you see this sign & keep positive as doorways are going to open for you.  In my research I also found that alot of people see this sign as a blessing & make a wish; why not!
Adit:- last week I was driving my son to school which is only a 5 minute drive and I saw 11:11 on three number plates in that short time. The importance to take notice is always amplified if you see the number pattern three times. The Angels were starting early that day with me!!!

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The Angels love to communicate with us by sending us number sequences. Over the past few years many of you may have been seeing the repeated number pattern of 11:11on digital clocks, car number plates etc. I believe that this is a relatively new but important number pattern the Angels have been sending. It coincides with important energy shifts that have been occurring in the world and is being sent from the Angels to lightworkers on the earth plane during times of heightened awareness.
An example of this number pattern involved my youngest sister & the purchase of her new house:-  My sister recently bought her first house and was so excited, however in the same breath quite nervous, as we all are when we make such big decisions.  She sent me an email :- My new House!!!! with an internet address to go onto to have a look.  I was unable to get the address to work and was a little disappointed, however it was then that I noticed the time that she had sent the email to me.  It was 11:1154. The angels were in fact communicating through me to give her an important message.  My reply went as follows:- I see you sent the email at 11:11; this is awesome as it means that an energetic gateway is opening for you.  As the email is about your house this is great as it relates to the move.  11 is a master number and represents new beginnings, balance & strength.  11:11 is a sign from the Angels to keep positive at all times in all things related to the house and then all will go smoothly.  Just looked up the meaning of the 54 which was at the end of the 11:11 time.  54 means “The Angels assure you that the change you’re contemplating or experiencing is for the best.  They’re with you now & continue to support you during this time of transition.  Call upon them frequently.”  Unreal!!!  I don’t need to see the picture of your house because I know it is meant to be.  Her reply was WOW!!!  As you can see the Angels are constantly trying to reassure us.  This is called a synchronicity: a small miracle.  Just imagine what was involved to get the message to my sister who would have on a subconscious level been asking:-Am i doing the right thing?
The appearance of 11:11 is a powerful confirmation to lightworkers (reflective, thoughtful & intuitive souls) that you are on the right track, one that is aligned with your highest truth.  Give thanks when you see this sign & keep positive as doorways are going to open for you.  In my research I also found that alot of people see this sign as a blessing & make a wish; why not!
Adit:- last week I was driving my son to school which is only a 5 minute drive and I saw 11:11 on three number plates in that short time. The importance to take notice is always amplified if you see the number pattern three times. The Angels were starting early that day with me!!!

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