Why why why???? Have you ever asked yourself any of these questions. Why are the people in my life acting the way they are? Why is this happening to me? What have I done wrong? Why me? Have you ever struggled to understand why things are happening in your life and you just can’t find the answers anywhere. You are not alone; we all do this during difficult times. The old saying “life wasn’t meant to be easy” is so true. All and all its tough down here!!!! Sometimes there are just no answers and you just need to gather all your resources just to stay afloat.
A friend of mine sent me this lovely verse in an email last week. I believe that when great insight is sent why not share it. If at this time you are asking yourself such questions; I hope this small verse helps you. Remember the Angels deliver messages through others xxx
God dosen’t give you the people you want;
He gives you the people you NEED……….
to help you, to hurt you, to leave you,
to love you & to make you into the person
you were meant to be. (Author Unknown)
Sending you all many many Angels. Happy Australia Day.