Number signs that are delivered simulatanously, at the exact same time, always have amplified significance and are therefore of tremendous importance to the receiver:- another of my blogs on amplified signs gives an example of a duplicate car number plate.
Another type of an ‘Angelic Amplification’ of a number sign is called a ‘Mirrored Magnification’.
I received such a sign when I was in Adelaide for the Mind Body Psychic Expo. Just after I received a Transcendent Angel Sign; the one I spoke about in my June newsletter; my husband and I walked across the street and there right in front of us was two cars parked side by side.
The numbers on the number plates were:- 880 088 respectively.
These numbers are therefore presented in amplification like a ‘power sign’ really. I instantly knew that it was about abundance because of the 8’s & felt an overwhelming sense of ‘its ok, & knew that I was going to do really well at the expo’ because that was what I was thinking about when I saw the sign. Of course I couldn’t wait to look up Doreen Virtues numbers book to get my message.
From Doreen Virtues numbers book:- 880
“God is surrounding you with abundant blessings & miracles. Enjoy them, as the Source loves to give”.
As you know the Angels are constantly downloading information to me that assists us all in in
interpreting our Angel Signs. When I was in meditation I asked about the way this number sign was given to me and the Angels called it a “Mirrored Magnification”. I then researched the symbolism of the Mirror. The mirror symbolism alludes to ‘self realisation which reflects wisdom’. The Angels have told me that “Spiritual Truth is always available to us & is often shown to us in a reflection or through reflection”. This is very interesting to me & makes alot of sense because in nurse education there is now a definate emphasis placed on reflection in nursing and journaling.
Angel Signs
unicorn journal
Till next time my advise is to get yourself a journal; a special one is great but an old exercise book can do just the same and start writing down the Angels signs that you receive.
The answers will then follow!!