Angel Sign:- Abundance & “Golden Tongue Wisdom”

Our thought patterns & belief systems surrounding money are usually inground since childhood.  Over the years we unconsciously develop ideas around & about money. This is why changing our thought processes regarding money requires alot of work on our behalf.  Once you have committed to changing the way you think about money you are on your way, especially if you ask for the assistance of the Angels of Abundance.
Several years ago I made a conscious decision to improve my relationship with money. Following this I remember being in the car one day with my beautiful niece Stephanie; I was driving her home after watching her play netball.  She was sitting in the passenger seat looking in her purse.  We were chatting away when all of a sudden she pulled out a $10 bill, held it up and said to me “I just love money Michelle”.  Following this of course I explained that it was great to hear that because it was a wonderful thing to love money.  I thought about this little event later because instantly when she said that she “loved money” I couldn’t recall ever feeling like that at her age or infact have never actually felt that I loved money; my usual relationship with money was to worry about it:- mainly will I have enough to pay the bills etc.
When you make a decision to improve something in your life and you invite the Angels in to assist you this is when you must pay attention to their guidance.  Stephanies little statement is an Angel Sign which I refer to as “Golden Tongued Wisdom”.  This is Angelic Guidance delivered to you through another person.  The person has no idea of the impact of the statement they make to you, it just seemed relevant to them at the time.  This short statement made me reflect deeply on my belief systems regarding money.  I must admit that I work on the state of my abundance daily through affirmations, meditation and with visualisation techniques & it has improved dramatically; however I  still have a way to go as the worry often creeps in.  Money itself has no emotion at all, it is purely an energy which we can learn to connect with.

“Ask and it shall be given to you…..Knock, and the door shall be opened unto you.” (Christ).

Not only is it important to ask but you also must know in your heart that whatever you have asked for is on its way and will be delivered in Angel time.

Other Angel Signs you may receive regarding money are “Material Signs” such as coins & money notes left on a footpath or somewhere in the house or car.  Also the number sequence 888 means prosperity is coming to you.  When you receive such signs always say “thankyou for this sign that abundance is coming into my life”.

Thankyou Stephanie & Thankyou Angels of Abundance.
To my readers may you always have great prosperity in your lives.  Namaste



Our thought patterns & belief systems surrounding money are usually inground since childhood.  Over the years we unconsciously develop ideas around & about money. This is why changing our thought processes regarding money requires alot of work on our behalf.  Once you have committed to changing the way you think about money you are on your way, especially if you ask for the assistance of the Angels of Abundance.
Several years ago I made a conscious decision to improve my relationship with money. Following this I remember being in the car one day with my beautiful niece Stephanie; I was driving her home after watching her play netball.  She was sitting in the passenger seat looking in her purse.  We were chatting away when all of a sudden she pulled out a $10 bill, held it up and said to me “I just love money Michelle”.  Following this of course I explained that it was great to hear that because it was a wonderful thing to love money.  I thought about this little event later because instantly when she said that she “loved money” I couldn’t recall ever feeling like that at her age or infact have never actually felt that I loved money; my usual relationship with money was to worry about it:- mainly will I have enough to pay the bills etc.
When you make a decision to improve something in your life and you invite the Angels in to assist you this is when you must pay attention to their guidance.  Stephanies little statement is an Angel Sign which I refer to as “Golden Tongued Wisdom”.  This is Angelic Guidance delivered to you through another person.  The person has no idea of the impact of the statement they make to you, it just seemed relevant to them at the time.  This short statement made me reflect deeply on my belief systems regarding money.  I must admit that I work on the state of my abundance daily through affirmations, meditation and with visualisation techniques & it has improved dramatically; however I  still have a way to go as the worry often creeps in.  Money itself has no emotion at all, it is purely an energy which we can learn to connect with.

“Ask and it shall be given to you…..Knock, and the door shall be opened unto you.” (Christ).

Not only is it important to ask but you also must know in your heart that whatever you have asked for is on its way and will be delivered in Angel time.

Other Angel Signs you may receive regarding money are “Material Signs” such as coins & money notes left on a footpath or somewhere in the house or car.  Also the number sequence 888 means prosperity is coming to you.  When you receive such signs always say “thankyou for this sign that abundance is coming into my life”.

Thankyou Stephanie & Thankyou Angels of Abundance.
To my readers may you always have great prosperity in your lives.  Namaste
