New Moon Wishes Angel Altar: Michelle Newton AOK Angels

new moon altar

New moon wishes written out on my AOK Angels Sticky Note Pad (perfect for this work because it has a picture of an Angel and has AOK Angels written on it) & placed in my gorgeous dish that is spec…ial because my mother gave it to me.  Rose petals (the Angels favourite flower) sprinkled over my written wishes.  I was guided to place a selection of crystals under my wishes dish to amplify my intent and the manifestation of my wishes.
Light bought to the Angel Altar via light stands under the purple Angels and candles.
Double rainbow picture behind the wishes dish symbolic of special blessings coming.
Little card that says “expect a miracle!” power of words
Angel cup which was a gift from an AOK Angels Facebook page fan: I placed two Angel letters in here that I wrote this week.
Angel Sent Soy Wax Candle & Spray because they are filled with Angelic love and smell Divine.
I sprayed the Angel sent spray over my wishes as well as placing my own personal Angel Symbol (you can receive your own Angel Symbol in meditation 2 of my first Angel Staircase CD:
Isn’t it beautiful: wishes on the way and will be delivered in Angel Time.  For more information and tips on making your own Angel Altar: CLICK HERE: Angel Altars: creating your own Sacred Space.
Angel Blessings Michelle


new moon altar

New moon wishes written out on my AOK Angels Sticky Note Pad (perfect for this work because it has a picture of an Angel and has AOK Angels written on it) & placed in my gorgeous dish that is spec…ial because my mother gave it to me.  Rose petals (the Angels favourite flower) sprinkled over my written wishes.  I was guided to place a selection of crystals under my wishes dish to amplify my intent and the manifestation of my wishes.
Light bought to the Angel Altar via light stands under the purple Angels and candles.
Double rainbow picture behind the wishes dish symbolic of special blessings coming.
Little card that says “expect a miracle!” power of words
Angel cup which was a gift from an AOK Angels Facebook page fan: I placed two Angel letters in here that I wrote this week.
Angel Sent Soy Wax Candle & Spray because they are filled with Angelic love and smell Divine.
I sprayed the Angel sent spray over my wishes as well as placing my own personal Angel Symbol (you can receive your own Angel Symbol in meditation 2 of my first Angel Staircase CD:
Isn’t it beautiful: wishes on the way and will be delivered in Angel Time.  For more information and tips on making your own Angel Altar: CLICK HERE: Angel Altars: creating your own Sacred Space.
Angel Blessings Michelle