Two very similar and interesting questions from Kirsten & Anita regarding receiving Angelic guidance. Kirsten asks “when going within to connect with our Angels for guidance, how do we ‘know’ we are receiving Angelic guidance and it’s not our own projections/mind answering? In a similar vein Anita states “I haven’t heard my Angels speak!” and asks, “If an answer comes to me strongly in my mind is this the Angels answering me or is this me thinking?”
Congratulations to both ladies for seeking Angelic guidance during quiet times and meditation. When we first start to connect with our Angels it is very difficult to ascertain with clarity the difference between the regular chatter of our minds and downloaded Angelic guidance. There are three main categories of psychic abilities which involve the human senses. These are clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing) & clairsentience (clear feeling/sensing). Some people have natural abilities in all areas whereas most will have a strong ability in one main area. Clairvoyant people are going to easily use their third eye chakra and therefore be visual in meditation, clairaudients will hear messages much easier, whilst clairsentients will have strong emotional feelings and receive Divine information as a ‘knowing.’ One of the most important things you can do when commencing this wonderful journey is to decipher which area your strength lies in. The best piece of advice I can give you both is to join a local meditation group so that you can be guided by a meditation teacher; here your area of strength will be identified and with practice over time your usual mind chatter will decrease during meditation. Anita to answer your question you will only ‘hear’ your Guardian Angel if you are clairaudient & even if you were so, it takes a great deal of practice to actually clearly hear the messages. All the same some important points to note here are that Angelic guidance is always loving, comforting and positive. When the Angels do speak to us it’s not like having a normal speaking conversation with a family member. I have found that messages delivered audibly are usually short, to the point and often repeated over and over. Meditation is a vital component to making contact and receiving guidance so please continue your efforts; everyone goes through the ‘I’m not sure about this stage’. Journal any information received even if it has no meaning at the time and then be observant for signs your Angels deliver during the day. The Angels always deliver important signs in multiples. In conclusion Angelic guidance is always available to us and the Angels applaud all efforts we make to connect with them.
Thank you, Anita and Kirsten. Angel Blessings Always Michelle
For more information regarding Angel signs or synchronicities, please send questions to Michelle