Calling On Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael is one of the most well known and called upon Angels.  He is known as the great protector and is often pictured holding a large sword. You can simply call on him anytime you feel that you or your loved ones need protection. Everyday when I drop my son off at school I say  “Michael go before him in love and protection”. I also say this every time any of us get into a car.  If time allows you can call on Archangel Michael and ask him to surround yourself or your loved one with his blue cloak of protection.  Visualise yourself or your loved one completely covered from head to foot, inside a beautiful cobalt-blue cloak.
Michael can also be called on when you need courage and strength.  He is able to release the effects of fear, giving you courage and backbone to follow your truth and fulfill your divine mission.  Call on him if you feel afraid or confused. Archangel Michael is the Guardian of the South and the Ruler of Fire.  He can assist you to break free of unwanted attachments, release blockages and lower vibrations that hold you back from being happy and serene.  He can assist you when you find yourself in any emotionally draining situation.  Michael will help you to handle the situation with less stress and if required will also help you to make any necessary life changes.
To maintain a close contact with Archangel Michael you can connect with him through prayer, meditation, lighting a gold candle on your alter or by wearing blue crystals such as kyanite or lapis lazuli or the purple crystal sugilite. Importantly don’t forget to thank him often for assistance.

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I have always felt a close connection to Archangel Michael and I hope that you too can develop a special bond with him.  In my next blog I will talk about a personal experience of Archangel Michaels intervention that kept me from harm.

Till next time Angel Blessings



Archangel Michael is one of the most well known and called upon Angels.  He is known as the great protector and is often pictured holding a large sword. You can simply call on him anytime you feel that you or your loved ones need protection. Everyday when I drop my son off at school I say  “Michael go before him in love and protection”. I also say this every time any of us get into a car.  If time allows you can call on Archangel Michael and ask him to surround yourself or your loved one with his blue cloak of protection.  Visualise yourself or your loved one completely covered from head to foot, inside a beautiful cobalt-blue cloak.
Michael can also be called on when you need courage and strength.  He is able to release the effects of fear, giving you courage and backbone to follow your truth and fulfill your divine mission.  Call on him if you feel afraid or confused. Archangel Michael is the Guardian of the South and the Ruler of Fire.  He can assist you to break free of unwanted attachments, release blockages and lower vibrations that hold you back from being happy and serene.  He can assist you when you find yourself in any emotionally draining situation.  Michael will help you to handle the situation with less stress and if required will also help you to make any necessary life changes.
To maintain a close contact with Archangel Michael you can connect with him through prayer, meditation, lighting a gold candle on your alter or by wearing blue crystals such as kyanite or lapis lazuli or the purple crystal sugilite. Importantly don’t forget to thank him often for assistance.

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I have always felt a close connection to Archangel Michael and I hope that you too can develop a special bond with him.  In my next blog I will talk about a personal experience of Archangel Michaels intervention that kept me from harm.

Till next time Angel Blessings
