Angels of Kindness Altar
Above is an example of an Angel altar I prepared on my hallway dresser; I think its really beautiful!
This altar is set up as an AOK (Angels of Kindess) Altar. So I could set the intent that the Angels guide my business; or that the Angels guide people to the ‘Angels of Kindness Fund’ or that the Angels continue to assist me to become an Angel of Kindness on this earth. The altar could also be set up purely as my small sacred place where I show the Angels how much I love having them around and with the intent that it remind me to connect with my Angels daily and to listen to their guidance!!
The theme for this altar is Angels and love.
Angels:- Angel figurine, Angels on the AOK letters, Angel wings dish, Angelite crystal egg (Crystal of the Angels), white feather.
Love:- pink roses, rose quartz heart in Angel wings dish, white candle with pink roses on the outside, rose quartz point behind affirmation magnet which is pink & white “I am a miracle“.
Other beautiful things that have meaning to me (this is an important point; things that are meaningful to you):- Clear quartz crystal tree, glass butterfly on candle plate, Angel holds a purple butterfly. Plus a silver frame with butterflys on it that holds a picture of a double rainbow:- symbolic of special blessings to come.
If there is a specific altar you would like some ideas for make a comment below or send me an email If you have a picture of your own altar and would like to share it please send it to me; I would love to see it xxx. Tell a friend : AOK Angels
Till next time have fun creating your own sacred space for you and your Angels.
Angel Blessings Always