My gift to you:
Don’t you just love receiving presents and don’t you just love receiving
coloured feathers the most magical gift from the Angels?
If you don’t already have a copy of
The Angel Feather Oracle Companion Book you will love this
free mini e-Book that I have put together that talks about
Angel feathers and gives you the meanings of the coloured feathers you find. This e-book will only be up at this stage until the 3rd of March on my
AOK Angles Face Book page so please go on over and download your copy. CLICK HERE:
Please join the AOK Angels community whilst you are over on the face book page by LIKING the
AOK Angels Page
Here’s an example of some discussion that has been held today on the page: my question was have you found a coloured feather and where?:
Ferne says “When I need them the most they are grey, but when I ask for them or a sign, they’re white x”
My reply: “Yes very comforting Ferne grey feathers are a sign the Angels are bringing you peace or asking you to accept peace in your life and white feathers are the Angels saying hello Ferne we love you O:)
Ferne went on to say “I have even found a feather inside on my desk where I worked no way it could have got there
Its was the same day my Aunty died!”
Melinda says “I found a beautiful dark emerald green one…..”
My reply: “I have found a dark green emerald feather too one day when I had a banking problem found it on the way into the bank of course all was sorted quickly so the emerald feather can be to do with finances, money & abundance, it can be a sign of healing from Archangel Raphael & it can also be a sign of the heart or matters related to the heart, so depending on what was happening in your life at the time or what you were thinking about at the time you found your feather the message from the Angels will differ according to the moment. They are very personal Angel messages.
Julie-Anne says “I often find black and white ones some white and some grey”
My reply: “Gorgeous, black and white are about balance: white and grey cuddly hugs from your Angels”.
Another piece of exciting news:
Another piece of exciting news I may have mentioned in the last newsletter that both my books The Angel Feather Oracle Companion Book & Angel Altars are now available as downloadable eBooks on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Another awesome piece of news for those of you overseas is that both books as of tomorrow Sunday 23rd Feb will be available on Amazon as print on demand books. Wow the Angels are certainly taking my work all around the world this year; I am so grateful that more people will have access to it.
Online Shop:
The wonderful 10% off discount for the four crystal catalogues on the online shop was to end today. Because I am feeling generous today I will extend so that it finishes Sunday at midnight.
Just enter CODE: GEM10 into the discount code section of the shopping cart. Code applies to Crystals & crystal gifts; Crystal Jewellery; Crystal Tumbelstones; & Crystal allis pots of heaven.
I am also very excited to finally take arrive of my very own gorgeous jewellery boxes which feature my logo. They will make those amazing pieces of jewellery look even more special especially for gift giving.
Next AOK Angels Face book Market:
Pop this in your diary: the next AOK Angels Face book market will start at 7pm on Friday 28th February till 7pm Sunday March 2nd
In Closing:
“If love had a form it would look like an Angel, soft as a cloud and bright as a star. If hope had a voice it would sing like an Angel, clear as a bell and deep as the sea.”
Much love