Driving under a Rainbow: Angel Nature Sign

Driving under a rainbow:

rainbow angels

Today is a day of gratitude for me.  Yesterday I witnessed the most amazing Angel Sign.  My youngest son has always been the most grateful person that I know.  Since he was a tiny little boy he always made a point of giving thanks; if we had been on a day out always before leaving the car he would say “thanks mum for everything today, or thanks for lunch mum or thanks for buying me my new shoes etc etc”.  He is now just about to graduate from university.  Through his university years he managed on next to nothing and rarely asked.  He has also managed for the past 4 years without a car. Just last weekend he lugged his bike into a taxi and then lugged it onto a train to get home from Olivia’s Wellness Walk that he was working on.  He was so excited yesterday as we went to get him is first car; nothing fancy but a car! To his credit he has managed to save up over his first 10 months of work.  As he jumps in his car he says “thanks for everything you have done with organising the car mum!”  He drives off in his car with his dad and I was following behind.  To my amazement as he drove down the road there was a full rainbow above him.  I just felt this overwhelming sense that the Angels were protecting his travels well into the future.  On the way home I saw three more rainbows, two of them were double rainbows.  Yes a very special day; thank you Angels.



Driving under a rainbow:

rainbow angels

Today is a day of gratitude for me.  Yesterday I witnessed the most amazing Angel Sign.  My youngest son has always been the most grateful person that I know.  Since he was a tiny little boy he always made a point of giving thanks; if we had been on a day out always before leaving the car he would say “thanks mum for everything today, or thanks for lunch mum or thanks for buying me my new shoes etc etc”.  He is now just about to graduate from university.  Through his university years he managed on next to nothing and rarely asked.  He has also managed for the past 4 years without a car. Just last weekend he lugged his bike into a taxi and then lugged it onto a train to get home from Olivia’s Wellness Walk that he was working on.  He was so excited yesterday as we went to get him is first car; nothing fancy but a car! To his credit he has managed to save up over his first 10 months of work.  As he jumps in his car he says “thanks for everything you have done with organising the car mum!”  He drives off in his car with his dad and I was following behind.  To my amazement as he drove down the road there was a full rainbow above him.  I just felt this overwhelming sense that the Angels were protecting his travels well into the future.  On the way home I saw three more rainbows, two of them were double rainbows.  Yes a very special day; thank you Angels.
